Our Favourite Lockdown Memes from WhatsApp (Updated)

Our Favourite Lockdown Memes from WhatsApp (Updated)

Week four (now 6) of the lockdown fast approaching and I am sure you like us have been bombarded with hundreds of funny videos and images on WhatsApp. The notifications bell has been ringing every few minutes for weeks now. Some are funny, some are rude but the ones that stick out above all others are of course the ones featuring DOGS. So we have compiled some of our favourites to share with you in one place, in case you deleted your backups. So please enjoy!

We are updating this as we go so here is another one of our favourites. What happens when you fill your dog with helium?

Helium Dog Meme

Here's one of our favourite breeds of dog barking into the action. A dachshund masquerading as a Doberman. 

Dachshund Doberman Immitation

Sheep Dog Haircut

Probably the best one we have seen thus far and by far the most realistic if Berry and Holly have anything to say about how much walking they have done. Excuse the language....!!The dog that walked too much

To those of you who were considering making a move to your second home this weekend then don't and enjoy this dog joke instead. 

Easter Weekend Lockdown

If your dog is a traveller then they will love this one. Egypt next stop!


Dogs travelling to Egypt

Humans turning into Dogs.

Squirrel Barking

It's an oldy but rings so true for the present dilemma.

Sheep Dog Working From Home

One for the cat lovers

We don't usually post anything about cats if we can avoid it but this is irresistible. We don't think there are any rules with regard to copyright of these images, but we want to thank the authors anyway and long may they continue with their work. Without funny stuff like this, how could we possibly carry on? So let's raise a water bowl to the Meme makers. Woof woof!!

We have lots of videos to share in our next blog, so if you liked this, let us know your favourite dog ones. 

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