The Puppy Diaries

The Puppy Diaries

Welcome to the Puppy Diaries. We have scoured the kennels, dug out the dog beds and burrowed in the garden to find the finest puppy journalists in the land. It is now time to introduce them formally to you the wonderful customers of Dogs Dogs Dogs. We wantto help make the Dog Shopping experience a breeze for everyone and so these two lucky pups will be trying out all of our products over the next few years and letting us know how they got on. 

Meet Zippy

Zippy the puppy

Zippy is a Foxhound/Trailhound cross and lives in London. He is 3 months old and lives with his family in London. His first blog covers the Savic Dog Crate. 

Meet Hula

Hula Hound

Hula is a 4 month old rescue dog, who has found a home at Dogs Dogs Dogs and replaces Berry as the Barketing Manager. She lives in Dorset with her family and is named after a snack food...

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