Introducing Hula - The New Barketing Manager

Introducing Hula - The New Barketing Manager

It was with great sadness that we announced the passing of Berry this week. But every cloud has a silver lining and here she is...

Hi, I'm Hula and I have just arrived at my new home in Dorset to as warm a welcome as you could imagine. I grew up on the streets of Romania and so this makes a welcome change. Thank you to the wonderful people at Stour Valley Dog Rescue who looked after me until I found this family. 

What's really exciting is that I have walked straight into a job. Not just any job either, no picking daffodils or patrolling factories for me. I am now the official Barketing Manager at Dogs Dogs Dogs. I bet there aren't many pups who can say that, to have strolled off the boat straight into a loving family and a job in their chosen profession. Now is a good time to paws for thought and thank my lucky stars, I must remember not to pee all over the carpet or keep everyone awake at night. 

I have to confess, I'm not totally sure of my breeding, Mummy was a sweet old dear but she sadly went missing when I was born. As for my father, rumours abound that he was a little free with his love and never slept with the same dog twice. Never mind, as I grow I am sure to show some signs of his (hopefully) exceptional breeding. I have the face of a wire haired Dachshund and we're not sure about where the rest of me is going yet.

Another piece of puppy luck is that I have access to any bed, toy and coats that I could wish for. Dogs Dogs Dogs has a superb collection that even I couldn't have picked. The old man who seems to run the house, when his wife isn't looking has bought back loads of goodies for me, including treats and a stuffed pheasant! 

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