Ruff and Tumble Feature on the BBC

Ruff and Tumble Feature on the BBC

The designers of one of our favourite and most popular dog brands have been busy and last night appeared on the BBC's "The Customer is Always Right" programme. Alison, who started the business because she loved walking her dogs on the beach and then wanted to get them dry for the car journey home stars. The programme puts companies products into the hands of consumers who don't hold back with their opinion. 


The first thing to notice is the fabulous packaging that your Ruff and Tumble Drying coat arrives in. The second is the time the video crew must have spent putting dogs into muddy water to really test drive the product. There are some very amusing moments with dogs covering their owners in mud as they shake, but the towel robes prove very popular indeed. 

You can see the advantages of these drying coats over a muddy wet old towel. If your dog is a small one, then you can instantly pick him or her up and move them around from car to house without getting your own clothes wet. These Ruff and Tumble Dog coats come into their own for these customers, when the owner of one dog suggests it needs a hood The Ruff and Tumble Dog Drying coats come with a head covering that can be adjusted to fit. One of the customers even says out loud, he thinks it will cost a bit because it is so well made. How many times do you hear that in today's instant quick-fix world? We won't tell you the score but needless to say Alsion runs away with the victory. Well done Ruff and Tumble. 


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