Celebrating National Pet ID Week with the launch of Dog Tags

Celebrating National Pet ID Week with the launch of Dog Tags

National Pet ID Week (17th April)

We have just found something new in the world of pets, yes, it's National Pet ID Week? Who would have thought such a day existed? Well, here at DogsDogsDogs, we never shy away from anything remotely to do with dogs, so let's celebrate by announcing the launch of our new dog tag service. As luck would have it, or is it just serendipity that this day co-insides with the day we go live with dog tags. 

We have created a handy guide to choosing your dog tags and what you should put on them and what are the pros and cons of having a dog tag for your pet.

Why have a dog tag?

But first, let's start with the legal part. Did you know it is illegal to have a dog without a name tag in the UK?

In 1992 a new order came into force called the Control of Dogs Order 1992. It states that: 

Every dog while in a highway or in a place of public resort shall wear a collar with the name and address of the owner inscribed on the collar or on a plate or badge attached to it.

From <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1992/901/article/2/made>

There are some exclusions to this order which make sense if you have ever seen a pack of hounds and wondered why they don't have dog tags. It is because they don't have to, neither do dogs
  • Being used for sport
  • Vermin catching
  • Driving sheep and cattle
  • Dogs being used for official duties like the police
  • Any dog registered with the guide dogs for the blind.

So, unless you are one of the above then you have to have a dog tag on. What happens if you don't make your dog wear a dog tag, well it can be pretty serious.

Any dog in respect of which an offence is being committed against this Order may be seized and treated as a stray dog under section 3 of the Dogs Act 1906


From <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1992/901/article/4/made>

Where to buy your pet Dog Tags?

Yes, we think it is something to take very seriously. There has never been a better time to say. You can now buy dog tags on our website. We have got a fine selection of Red Dingo Dog Tags including:

Stainless Steel and Enamel Dog Tags

Stainless Steel Dog Tags

Brass Dog Tags

Diamante Dog Tags.

At the checkout, you can add in whatever text you like using our text generator tool and this will be engraved onto the tag of your choice. Here are some ideas of how to choose the best text to put on your pets dog tag.

What text you should put on your dog tag?

  • The name of your pet
  • Your contact phone number
  • Location of home (Don't put your whole address)
  • Is the dog Microchipped (this will speed up identification when found) If it is not chipped, then why not?
  • A personal message - If found please call the number above, I have been a naughty dog please help me get home. I have run away and got lost etc.
Funny Dog Tags

You only have a few lines to work with so consider your messaging carefully to ensure your pet gets back to you safe and sound and as quickly as possible.

Pros and Cons of getting a dog tag


The Pros:

  • A tag identifies the dog as being "owned" and not a stray or one that isn't looked after.
  • It is a legal requirement in the Uk for your dog to have a dog tag identifying it and giving contact details to be able to return the dog.
  • They are very easy to sure, you can find a huge variety on our website here:
  • Even if your dog is chipped, only vets have a scanner so this helps a passer-by return your dog quickly without having to get anyone else involved.
  • They are the quickest way to get a safe resolution to your missing pet.

The Cons of having Dog Tags on your pet

  • They can make a noise if they bang against a metal buckle on a collar or lead. You can purchase a plastic one or get a plastic surround to stop them from clashing.
  • Your dog may not welcome the intrusion, so introduce your pet to the tag gradually and if it is a small dog then make sure the tag isn't bigger than the dog.
  • Your dog can be identified when he or she has eaten through the neighbour's bins.
  • If, like Berry you have ever made your way into a cake shop and swallowed their selection of cakes it can lead to you being recalled on your way to the 2012 Olympic Football in Cardiff. (True Story)

All that remains to be said is to sit back and enjoy National Pet Identity Week and start thinking about how you can make your best friend safer by giving him or her a dog tag for Christmas. Next time they run away, you'll know much quicker. 

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