What are the Benefits of Waterproof Dog Beds and Crate Pads

What are the Benefits of Waterproof Dog Beds and Crate Pads

How to choose the right material for your dogs bed?

Shopping for the perfect dog bedor crate pad for your pet can be confusing. Not only are there hundreds of shapes and sizes to choose from you also have a vast selection of brands, colours and materials to select. In a perfect world you could of course just ask your dog. We don't live in that world however much you would like to think so. So we thought we could give you some guidance on the best material to choose for your dogs sleeping time. Bearing in mind there are usually several popular spaces for a nap around the house and the dog will be in a different state of mess for each occassion. 

  • Beds and Crate Pads for Working Dogs
  • Waterproof Crate Pad or Bed?
  • Are Waterproof Dog Beds and Crate Pads actually Waterproof?
  • What is the best for a car boot?

Beds and Crate Pads for Working Dogs

The majority of working dogs will spend their time outdoors running around in the fields or woods. Some will be chasing pheasants and others working with sheep, what makes them special is they usually come back muckier than the average dog. This means you need to consider what happens when they get back home after a day out. Do you want a soaking wet pup sittying on your favourite carpet? Do you think they enjoy getting into a nice dry bed and wallow in smelly dampness meaning you have to clean it off again. You can find out more by reading our blog on working dogs.

Why not have a choice of beds, some soft ones for luxury kip. That night when you let them sleep in your bedroom or with the children, it makes sense to have something clean and furry that won't need to be cleaned all the time. 

For the more active dogs who are lucky enough to llive in a house with a utility or boot room then having beds that are waterproof and lets them rest while they dry off. This is where a waterproof dog bed or crate pad will come in handy. You can let them wallow locked away for a while while their fur dries, then release them when dry. The bed will be none the worse for ware and can be cleaned quickly. 

Waterproof Crate Pad or Bed?

When choosing a sleeping surface for the dry down, we would suggest buying a crate pad. It is much easier to clean and dry and doesn't have any nooks and crannies where dirt can be stored. You can sling it over the Aga or hang it from the line (depending on the size and weight of course). You can also lean them up against a wall out of the way if space is a worry. 

Drying and cleaning a waterproof dog crate or bed is easy and you can follow our guide on Youtube. 

Are Waterproof Dog Beds and Crate  Pads actually Waterproof?

We like to think they are mor e water resistant than 100% waterproof. If you try buying a bed that says it is totally waterproof we think you have been had. A good bed will be sturdy and well made often by hand like ours.  This means there is stitching involved and if it really is water tight then the bed material won;t be able to breathe. The stitching will be tight but not impervious to water. So be careful when you clean you bed or crate pad because some water will ingress. Be especially carefull of chucking it into the washing machine as this will also cause damage to the stitching and let more water inside. For the needs of keeping your floor clean they do the job and the water will sit on the material ready to be wiped off with a cloth. 

What is the best for a car boot?

If you have a vehicle that is regularly inhabited by your four legged friend then you probably want to sconsider a crate pad. A dog bed will take up too much room and as before will have nooks and crannies where rubbish gets stored and begins to smell. A dog Crate Pad on the other hand will be flat when not used so you can stack lugguage on top or make room for more things when busy. 

What are the Benefits (Summary)

For us the benefits of using a waterproof dog bed are clear if you have the right dog. If you have a floppy tiny daschound who will dronw in a puddle let alone get their hair dirtuy then get a soft bed. For the outdoors type, like Spaniels and Labradors get them something mroe durable and easy to clean. 

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