CTD (Chief Dog Tester) Making a Pigs Ear of Breakfast

CTD (Chief Dog Tester) Making a Pigs Ear of Breakfast

At the end of a busy week, Berry likes to rest her four paws and tuck into some of the finer things in a dog's life. Having been promoted to CTD, Chief Technical Dog this week she is using her spare time to do what Labradors do best, devour more food. Berry is lucky enough to have a village shop nearby where she can persuade her "walking companions" to stop and purchase the local delicacy, a pig's ear. This weekend is an especially good time to be relaxing as we have seen the team (Holly and Berry) press go live on their latest pet product website. Selling the finest dog beds in the land, www.dogsdogsdogs.co.uk went live on Monday. 

Labrador eating a pigs ear

Holly(Managing Director of Dogs Dogs Dogs) would be very upset to see the size of the ear that Berry is devouring this morning. Not only has Berry taken Holly's office bed as her own, but she has also got better food. Then again Holly would probably settle for a brace of pheasants instead. Being a working Spaniel she is out chasing birds through the hedgerows this weekend, in the hope that she will get within touching distance of at least one. When she does she will no doubt parade around the office with a feather in her collar to keep Berry amused. What's known in the dog's world as a feather in her collar...

Dog's love pigs ears

If you ask Berry what is so special about pigs ears, she will tell you it's a mixture of the fantastic smell that makes your nostrils flare, the salty taste and the delightful chewiness. She also appreciates the benefits to her teeth, the structure of the ear behaving like a good dog chew. It enables her to remove any plaque she might have missed when flossing this morning. All in all a healthy meal that keeps Saturday morning a highlight of the week. 

Chief Technical Dog

We can't advise that you give your dog a pig's ear, but Berry gets one every few weeks as a treat for hitting her sales targets or fixing issues with the website and email. 

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