It's a Dog's Life - Modelling Dog Beds with our Friends

It's a Dog's Life - Modelling Dog Beds with our Friends

When you set up in business away from the comfort of your own kennel it can be hard to find the motivation to go forwards. This week we had none of those problems because this week we have been taking part in our very own dog product photo shoot. We were very fortunate to have the use of a local luxury dog hotel in Tisbury called the House of Hounds. This is also home to our good friends Alvin the Dachshund crossed with a chocolate Labrador and Colin AKA "The master of the hounds".

Photography of dog beds

The house boasts a lovely warm Aga to rest in front of and not one but two fireplaces. These lucky pups can also take time away from their owners in the boot room. This even has little cubby holes, where you can put your dog bed out of the way of all the wellies and catch some zzzz's. We had a lovely time with lots and lots of treats for some reason. Berry worked out quite quickly that all you had to do was jump into a dog bed, look soppy and stare at the person holding the dog treat. A few minutes of this and you got your reward.

Dog bed in front of aga

We had collected together some of the finest dog beds in the land. All made in the UK by Pets and Leisure, including waterproof ones, sherpa ones and even some dog crate mattresses for those of us unlucky enough to spend the night in a cage. Other models who came to the location included the very pretty Una, a whippet of some distinction and Glen the pub dog. Glen is very pleased because his owner agreed to deposit Glen at the hotel the next time he heads off to Lords to watch the cricket.

WHippet in dog bed

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Alvin and his friend for their kind hospitality and look forward to hearing about their experiences in a pair of our brand new dog beds. 

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